MINI Enthusiast Community

MINI5280 Facebook Groups:
- MINI5280 Social Hub – A place for members to talk about being a MINIon (events, rides, road trips, motoring, etc).
- MiniCOW – Minis of Colorado and Wyoming Group Page

MiniCOW – Minis of Colorado and Wyoming
- Our mission is to bring MINI enthusiasts together for fun and friendship. We believe the best way to achieve this mission is to get our members and friends together, utilizing road trips, tours, meet-n-greets and other activities with MINI Cooper involvement.

Visit the MINI5280 and MiniCow Shared Event Calendar

MINIs In The Mountains (MITM) is held every-other-year in the Colorado mountains. Next event: 2024.

Rocky Mountain Chapter, BMW Car Club of America – Autocross with MINI Cooper classes.